
We’ve all experienced the challenges and frustrations of stock shortages over the past two years and no group of species has been more challenging than our beloved Australian hardwood veneers including Blackbutt and Spotted Gum. While our substantial stock holding protected supply somewhat, there’s no doubt that there have been times when the substitution was required in some species and grades. We’ve never lost sight of our goal of solving the supply issues and we’re now proud to say, production has been underway for some time and the first of the new production has arrived – over 100,000m2 so far with much more to come.


As we have much ground to catch up, it will be a little while before we have every species and grade covered, but with more production due in the coming months, you can rely on
us to provide solutions to these issues, now and into the future. Whether it be sliced veneer in Blackbutt, Spotted Gum, Tallowwood or Ironbark (to name just a few), it is still
important to plan and order ahead of time to ensure you have the veneer you need for your project – but you can be confident the supply problems in these species are improving and more options are available.