
FSC responsible forestry

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FSC certified


for sustainability

Matilda Veneer is committed to environmental sustainability.

Matilda Veneer is committed to environmental sustainability and operating under a stringent business framework, where decisions about our work practices reduce the negative impact the timber industry can have on the environment.

“Timber veneer is renewable, reusable, recyclable, and completely biodegradable” and it’s a highly efficient use of wood with one cubic metre of log producing 1000 square metres of veneer. Reference: Timber Veneer Association of Australia

Matilda Veneer is proud of its accreditation under the PEFC and FSC® (FSC-C107681)  Chain of Custody Certification programs. By being responsible members of such certification programs, Matilda Veneer helps to ensure that forests are managed in a way that not only takes care of the animals and plants that call it home, but also workers and local communities who rely on forests, and indigenous groups whose heritage connects them to forest landscapes. (https://au.fsc.org/about-fsc.175.htm)

With the introduction of the Green Star initiative, an internationally recognised sustainability rating system focused on the way in which buildings are designed, constructed and operated, the careful selection of a project’s building materials can give much more than a clear conscience. Timber products which are sourced ethically and certified under programs such as PEFC and FSC® (FSC-C107681) can earn credit points, as well as products that offer low or zero formaldehyde emissions. For more information, visit gbca.org.au.

Choosing forest and wood products can effectively reduce the process of climate change in several ways. Growing trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store the carbon so efficiently that about half the dry weight of wood is carbon. This carbon remains locked up for the life of the wood even when it is used for building products or furniture. It is only released when the wood is burnt or rots – and wood stored in landfill under anaerobic (lack of oxygen) conditions can last for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

Using wood instead of other materials has other advantages too. The production of wood products uses less energy (usually sourced from finite fossil fuels) compared with other building materials that can be used in its place. (http://www.naturallybetter.com.au/carbon-and-environment.html)

Matilda Veneer is focused on being a responsible, future-focused business. Working within an ethical business framework, all of our products are sourced and manufactured with our philosophy of sustainability in mind, ensuring we are doing our bit for the environment helping to ensure that planet we love is here for many generations to come.

Done properly, working with timber can be the very best environmental choice for your next project.



PEFC Certificate


FSC Core Labour Requirements
Policy Statement


FSC Certificate


Responsible Wood Certificate



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